Celebrate Autumn Equinox with these Re-Balancing Tips

Autumn EquinoxAutumnal Equinox is the seasonal balancing of day and night (they are equal in length).  If you are interested in aligning yourself more with the turning of the seasons, there are some beautiful things to embrace in that pursuit.

Prioritizing how to re-balance yourself in terms of workloads, “me time”, and family time, is paramount as you head into the holiday obligations just ahead, and all the attendant stress they bring.  The cooling off of the weather means our bodies cool off internally; we can smell the turning of the leaves, the air gets crisp.   We find ourselves snuggling into blankets and gathering around fireplaces, and so our gaze to a quieter, more restrained sensibility. Perhaps the words of the season are “grounding and assessing”.

Autumn Equinox with these Re-Balancing Tips


AROMATHERAPYVetiver essential oil is my aromatherapy pick for the season.  It is extracted from the root of the grassy vetiver plant and is a very earthy, woody, spicy scent. Its emotional balancing and grounding effect helps ease nervous tension and excessive energy. Blended with a little chamomile and bergamot, it provides excellent relief for irritability and stress.


Most people’s skin takes a beating in the summer sun, with overexposure and drying out being two of the most common issues.  I would use the Autumn as a time to repair and rejuvenate.  Add lots of Vitamin A to your skin care routine in the form of carrot seed serums and carrot oils.  Vitamin A on your skin is a great nighttime regimen because it works as your skin rests and helps to restore collagen.

Carrot Rejuvenating Mask:

FacialPuree 1 peeled carrot, steamed to a soft consistency.

Mash the carrot and mix with 1 Tbs. of high quality olive oil and 1 tsp of honey.  Cut open a vitamin E capsule and add the liquid vitamin E to the mixture (Vitamin E oil is also a great anti-oxidant for skin regeneration).

Stir until the consistency stands up to spreading on your skin.  Add more or less of the olive oil to thicken or to thin out.

Apply the mask to a clean face, let it set for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.  Follow with a moisturizer.


Yoga Tree PoseTree Pose (vrksasana) in Yoga is the perfect representation of the focus on balance.  It is a standing balance pose requiring concentration and attention to breath, as well as core awareness, to perform successfully.  Simply stand barefoot on the floor and place one foot up on the inner thigh of the opposite leg.  Press into the thigh with the bottom of the foot to hold it in place.  When stable, hold your hands in prayer position in the center of your chest.  Focus your gaze on a spot in front of you.  Become aware of your breath and all the sensations your body is experiencing as you hold the pose for as long as you can – working up to 5 full breaths (if possible) before switching to the other side.

Tree pose reminds us that we all fall in life, the goal is to fall with grace and equanimity and then get back up and try again.  In the Fall (autumn) we literally have the trees losing their leaves, in transition to the next season.  It’s a beautiful visual reminder that nothing stays the same – even our attempts to find perfect balance will undergo transformation.  The best we can do is breathe deeply and stay as “in the moment” as possible.

Namaste and Happy Autumn Equinox (Sept 23, 2011)