Tips For Raising An Eco-Conscious Child

Parenting, even on its good days, is mighty difficult.  One constant is second guessing; many times I wonder if I should have done it differently. Even with a successful outcome, the learning curve with every age child is extremely steep!

There is one aspect of parenting, though, that never needs to be doubted, and that is working eco-consciousness into the things you want to teach your child.  Nurturing a sense of awe and wonder about nature, encouraging curiosity about the world around them, and inspiring a passion to care for and protect the planet is one of the easiest things you’ll ever do as a parent.  In the process you’ll enrich your own understanding and broaden your knowledge base.  Eco-consciousness is a form of enlightenment that never stops evolving as long as the desire is there.

I recently had the good fortune to share five easy tips about how to start down the path of ec0-consciousness with your child in a segment for the Morning News Show on our local  ABC affiliate, Channel 7 here in Los Angeles.

What things have you found to be some of your most favorite eco-conscious moments in your parenting?  What eco awareness has your child taught you?  I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments section.